Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Word of the day is....

 As in,
 "Dad! Dad! Dad! I'm in here!  Come see!  I'm pooping on the potty.  It's gonna be gigantic!" 
~ Basil Emrys Jones, age 2

 MOM: "Wow Basil!  Brushing your own teeth and using the potty?  How big are you getting?" 

BASIL: "Gigantic!!!!" 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Water Works

Our first house was right across the street from the one we live in now. Because we have a hoarding disorder we still own that one too. It is a cute little house and I love it. I lived there when I got married and I brought my first baby home there. I first noticed my husband was a lunatic in that house on that random Saturday when I was sitting on the sofa nursing Baby Enzo and Ariel came stumbling down the stairs cradling the upstairs toilet in his arms, you know, without any discussion leading up to that moment.
I like living across the street from my first home. I like being able to see it and remember it all so easily. Today it got a little strange though. Today I saw a couple of men with shovels and a blow torch ripping up that sweet little front yard. I had to be conflicted as to what I should do, who I should act as. Neighbor or homeowner. I called Ariel and asked him if he knew what was going on and what I should do given the ZERO information I had. He gave me a green light on marching over there and getting to the bottom of what was going on.
I went, feeling every bit like a stupid, useless housewife. I knew I looked like a bored, gossiping, woman to those men at work. I decided to clear that up right away and I announced myself as an apparent nosy neighbor but the actual homeowner ("actual" might be a name isn't on any of the paperwork...I am ACTUALLY a guest in my husband's life)
It turns out that there is a water pipe leak across the street that I needn't concern myself with except for, HELLO, I happen LIVE across the street, Our poor village's water system seems to have a new break every single day. It makes me a touch fearful of the quality of our water. I'm aware that people survive on stream water and whatever, but my first world self is going to go right on being suspicious anyway. What else have I got to do? Maybe I am a bit of a bored housewife after all.